Pre-K 3-Year-Old Program
VPK (Part and Full Time)
Kindergarten through 8th Grade

Academic Excellence for 21st Century Disciples
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School is fully accredited by the Florida Catholic Conference and affiliated with the Diocese of Venice. We are a co-educational parish school for children in grades Pre-K through grade 8. The principles and standards of the Florida Catholic Conference integrate Catholic faith and values with daily life learning. These same standards have been applied to the school's curriculum. The school strives to meet and exceed all Florida State and National benchmarks.
Math: Including Honors Algebra I for 8th grade
Science: 6th - 8th grade participate in the Science Fair
Social Studies
Spanish: Pre K - 6th-Grade
Spanish 1: 7th & 8th-Grade
Art, drama, robotics
Physical Education (HOPE class for 8th-Grade/High School Credit)
Music & Band
Technology classes and Robotics
Library classes: Accelerated Reader Program
Earth & Space Program: 8th-Grade for High School Credit
Enterprise Village: 5th-Grade
STREAM - Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Art & Math combined!